Category: Most Popular

A short selection of the best and most popular articles and posts featured on the Horror Movie Web website.

The Conjuring Timeline in Chronological Order and Release Date Order

With ten films released and planned, the Conjuring presents us with a complex universe of characters and stories set across several decades. Naturally, the question arises as to the best viewing order of the Conjuring movies. To dive in from the first film released and work through the films in release order, or whether it […]

Horror Movies True Stories: HMW’s Guide to the Best Horror Movie Based on True Story (Top 20 List)

Here we present Horror Movie Web’s guide to the Top 20 ‘Horror Movie Based on True Story’. “Monsters are as real as ghosts. They live in us and sometimes – they win,” said Stephen King, one of the most famous horror writers. He did not literally mean ghosts and monsters, but used these words to […]

The scariest locations in horror movies

We all know that for a good horror movie we need a creepy villain, but we often neglect the place in which that horror happens. Good scare largely depends on the atmosphere that the physical environment and its soundscape creates. The location of the horror movie is often the most important and overlooked part of […]

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