Reality Z (Brazil)
Reality Z is a Netflix horror series created by award-winning Brazilian director Cláudio Torres (“The Invisible Woman”). This Brazilian series combines horror and humor, narrating a zombie attack on Rio de Janeiro. In an effort to survive the danger consuming the world as zombies rapidly take over, a group of people flees to a reality […]
Best Season American Horror Story: HMW guide to the worst and best American Horror Story seasons
American Horror Story is the single most entertaining and inspiring trash on modern television. Are you curious about AHS but not sure where to start? Find out the worst season and best season American Horror Story in our guide to the series here. Proof that horror is no longer reserved for film are two big […]
An unusual combination of horror, black comedy and psychological drama, “Us” justified the expectations of the audience as well as the critics. After shocking contemporary art with his directorial debut, “Get Out”, and setting new standards in provocation with socially-aware horror films, Oscar winner Jordan Peele returns with another original horror story, a film for […]
Horror Comedy Movies Best Ever: 14 Awesome Horror Funny Movies
Here we present our horror comedy movies best ever list. Check out these 14 fun and dumb horror funny movies that will have you laughing your guts out. Line up these awesome horror funny movies for your next Halloween movie night, or just for some brainless fun. Nothing is more enjoyable than a horror movie […]
Watch these Zombie Movies to survive a Zombie Apocalypse
The Cranberries with Zombie, thought it was fitting here… When it comes to a Zombie Apocalypse, you need to create a viable plan to survive the masses of flesh-thirsting Zombies around you. Even normal people can cause you harm, by stealing from you or using you as bait for the Zombies, so they can escape […]